Our Vision

Empower every parent across the world to experience the beauty of early parenthood without the burden of financial stress.

Did you know?

families go into debt after the birth of a baby

4 out of 10

of poverty spells begin with the birth of a child



of new mothers take unpaid leave

Hi! My name is Setu - pronounced "Se-thu" - and I'm the proud Founder and CEO of Financial Doula.

My passion for this business stems from a deep belief that the journey of early parenthood is a remarkable and unforgettable experience that should never be hindered by financial stress.

With the rise in costs and the overwhelming number of choices, families are often burdened with making hundreds of money decisions without enough time or information to do so properly. My goal is to provide expecting parents with a clear understanding of the costs involved, and a roadmap to manage them, so that money acts as a catalyst rather than a hindrance during this momentous journey.

Drawing from my extensive experience in the healthcare industry combined with an MBA degree, I've created a unique financial approach to empower parents-to-be to prepare for the journey ahead quickly. By providing the tools to manage expenses and take actionable steps toward a bright financial future, Financial Doula offers a clear path to financially stress-free parenthood.

As your fellow traveler on this journey, I'm excited to see your dreams of parenthood come to life. Whether you're investing in the highest quality baby carrier or taking extra time off to savor those precious baby snuggles, I'm here to support and cheer you on!