Having a baby doesn’t have to be stressful

Let us help you leave your money and time stress behind so you can enjoy one of the most incredible moments of your life.

We help expecting parents (like you!) save time and money…so that you can focus on what matters most - your beautiful baby.

Do any of these sound familiar?

You are thrilled about your upcoming bundle of joy but the costs weigh heavily on your mind

You know you have a lot to do before the baby’s arrival but just don’t have the time to do it all

You’ve started to research newborn items but are overwhelmed by the number of choices

You have health insurance but are uncertain what you’ll end up paying for medical bills

You have parental benefits from your employer but you don’t feel like it’s enough

You know you will need childcare but are worried about what’s right for your family

You want to plan for your baby’s financial future but are not sure where to start or what to do

If yes, you are in the right place! Book your free call today.

Ready to get started? This FREE guide will help you answer 10 key money questions before baby’s arrival!

What is a financial doula?

A doula is a certified caregiver who provides emotional and physical support to expecting women before, during, and after childbirth. In that same spirit, a financial doula is here to support you through the financial changes that come with expecting a child. From diapers to health insurance, we help you understand and prepare for every aspect so you can focus on the joys of new parenthood.